Vicki Andronis

Melissa Bair

Andy Batt

Michelle Batt

Sarah Brunet

Peter Graybeal

Nikki Smith

Josh Kessler

Ric Shoemaker

David Thonnings

Stephen Woosley

Directed by Andy Batt

227 North 3rd Street | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.221.5418

Full Frontal Nudity wants to help you work out your problems.  We have a crack therapist on hand to delve into the darkest regions of your mind and work out all your childhood issues.  From phobias, to near death experiences that left you a shell of the person you once were, we’re here for you. Come out and see how laughter truly is the best medicine for the mind, heart, body, soul and colon.

August 2nd-11th, 2007

all shows at 8pm


$10 regular admission

$8 students/seniors

$6 MadLab Members